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Dear God, I know that I’m not perfect, I know sometimes I forget to pray, I know I have questioned my faith, I know I sometimes I loose my temper, But thank you for loving me unconditionally and giving me another day to start over again.
-- Anonymous
No person is perfect. I haven’t, thank God, had any infidelity issues. But you can’t say what you won’t ever do. And you can’t say that you won’t have forgiveness in your heart if there were to be an issue like that.
-- Tasha Smith
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Pray, and let God worry.
-- Martin Luther
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Dear God,Sometimes it’s hard to go on, but I know you care, and I trust you.
-- Anonymous
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Please God … lead me to that kind of love. Until then, help me to know that You are enough.
-- Karen Kingsbury
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Thank God I had all these family values or who knows where I’d be now.
-- Anonymous
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