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Thousands of congratulations on this Mother’s Day!
-- Anonymous
The only thing you need to worry about is where you’re going to buy your sweaters after the circus pulls out of town.
-- Anonymous
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Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.
-- Groucho Marx
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Christmas… that magic blanket that wraps itself about us, that something so intangible that it is like a fragrance. It may weave a spell of nostalgia. Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer, but always it will be a day of remembrance — a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.
-- Augusta Rundel
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Happy Day After Christmas, Merry Rest of the Year, even when Christmas is over, The Light of the World is Still Here!
-- Matthew West
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Everything’s coming up roses – for me.
-- Ethel Merman
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