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One mustn’t ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness.
-- Gustave Flaubert
You forget everything. The hours slip by. You travel in your chair through centuries you seem seem to see before you, your thoughts are caught up in the story, dallying with the details or following the course of the plot, you enter into characters, so that it seems as if it were your own heart beating beneath their costumes.
-- Gustave Flaubert
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Writing is a dog's life, but the only life worth living.
-- Gustave Flaubert
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Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings.
-- Gustave Flaubert
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Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.
-- Gustave Flaubert
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