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You may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever.
-- Anonymous
When you’re with your wife, you don’t say I love you to your wife every day but the ways you look at her and your actions are another way to communicate. Don’t focus on dialogue, only focus on what you’re expressing.
-- Anonymous
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I think we’re given multiple chances to meet multiple soulmates. Sure, you could meet a soulmate in highschool. But that doesn’t mean if you don’t act on it, you’ll never meet anyone else. You will, just at a time that’s more convenient for you.
-- Meg Cabot
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I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it means getting along with people.
-- Vijayaraj
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The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children. – Jessica Lange
-- Vijayaraj
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Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the sweetest and most peaceful feelings in the world.
-- Ayshu
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