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You create beauty with your attitude, your behavior and with your actions. It's all up to you.
-- Anonymous
It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family. – Philip Green
-- Vijayaraj
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Quality must be integrated into the design and into each process. It cannot be created by the inspection.
-- Anonymous
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The nicest thing about coming of age is that I can do whatever I like.
-- Cilla Black
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The purpose of a goal is what you become as a person while you are achieving it.
-- Ayshu
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Once I started to focus on important tasks at the morning itself and get them done quickly, I escape from the clutch of procrastination. As I always work on hardest task on the morning, I don’t hesitate to finish the rest of the easier tasks later on the day. Early morning rising has increased my productivity to a greater extent.
-- Anonymous
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