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A real mom:Emotional, yet the rock.Tired, but keeps going.Worried, but full of hope.Impatient, yet patient.Overwhelmed, but never quits.Amazing, even though doubted.Wonderful, even in the chaos.Life changer, every single day.
-- Anonymous
It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.
-- Anonymous
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You were born to sparkle.
-- Anonymous
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Rich or poor, we will keep together and be happy in one another.
-- Anonymous
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Dad… In my life’s treasure trove of memories, the ones we’ve shared together are the ones I miss the most.
-- Anonymous
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Dead Beat Dads say stuff like I miss my kids so much & I love my kids but have yet to be involved in their kids lives and then expect the mother to jump when he says he wants to see them.
-- Anonymous
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