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I don’t care whether it is day or night, as long as I have my beautiful wife in sight. Good morning.
-- Anonymous
Good morning, my friends! I pray that you and your family have a beautiful day. May God bless
-- Anonymous
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A friend is someone who listens to your bullshit, tell you that it is bullshit and listens some more. Good morning.
-- Anonymous
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Touch your heart, close your eyes. Make a wish, say goodnight. Sky so wide, stars so bright, off the lights, sleep so tight. Sweet dreams to you all tonight.
-- Anonymous
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My friend, you are… The light in my dark The smooth in my roughs The correct in my wrongs The easy in my toughs The bright in my dull The good in my bad The smile in my frowns The happy in my sad.
-- Anonymous
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I love sleeping but I never want to go to sleep early…I stay up late every night, regret it every morning. Then do it all over again.
-- Anonymous
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