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In a day when you don’t come across any problems, you can be sure that you are travelling on a wrong path.
-- Anonymous
Self-control is the ability to control your emotions, feelings, and actions against your will. It is the control you exercise upon yourself from giving in to the momentary temptations and satisfactions by keeping in your mind about long term benefits.
-- Anonymous
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I relax my eating during weekends and would indulge on cheat meals.
-- Anonymous
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The inevitability of success grows with every second of hard work put towards its accomplishment. – Joseph Maelane
-- Anonymous
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If you can’t find an opportunity, create your own.
-- Anonymous
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If we can’t succeed in forming a habit, we need to figure out alternate plans to achieve it. If you fail on a habit, it only means the way you want to build that habit could be wrong. Take time and think. How can you change your tasks so you can stick to this habit?
-- Vijayaraj
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