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The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination, as are intelligence and necessity when unblunted by formal education.
-- Maya Angelou
I thank God I’m myself and for the life I’m given to live and for friends and lovers and beloveds, and I thank God for knowing that all those people have already paid for me.
-- Maya Angelou
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I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself. –
-- Maya Angelou
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Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.
-- Maya Angelou
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Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
-- Maya Angelou
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Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.
-- Maya Angelou
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