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When you say ‘fear of the unknown’, that is the definition of fear; fear is the unknown, fear is what you do not know, and it’s genetically within us so that we feel safe. We feel scared of the woods because we’re not familiar with it, and that keeps you safe.
-- Anonymous
Some people hurt by words and some by action…but the biggest hurt I believe is that someone ignoring you when you value them more than anything else.
-- Vijayaraj
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223. I will win, not immediately but definitely.
-- Vijayaraj
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Don’t be afraid to lose people, be afraid of losing yourself
-- Anonymous
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Gifts will wither away into the sands of time, but your words will reverberate in my heart forever, like a sweet little rhyme. Thanks.
-- Anonymous
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Good friends never say Goodbye, they simply say See you soon.
-- Anonymous
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