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Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl who both loved each other. Then a slut came along and ruined everything. The end.
-- Anonymous
If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.
-- Anonymous
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All working parent can understand how difficult it is to focus on a task with two little kiddos trying to grab your attention all the time. Mainly to overcome distraction, I started to wake up early. Once I managed to wake up an hour earlier before my kids, I started to finish off attention demanding tasks with ease because of fewer distractions. Early mornings are free of noise and clutter. It is the best time to work on creative projects compared to late nights as our energy will be at peak during the mor
-- Anonymous
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The future is uncertain… but this uncertainty is at the very heart of human creativity.              –
-- Ilya Prigogine
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Listen to your body and take it slow. All are not early morning birds. Some people work on late night too. If you are productive during nights, then stick to it. What works for a person may not work for others. But if you simply procrastinate and avoid waking up early, then it’s time to implement the above tips.
-- Anonymous
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You cut off the capacity for grief in your life, and you cut off the joy at the same time. They both come up through the same tunnel. You don’t have one without the other.                   –
-- William Hurt
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