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The certainty of life is beautiful, but the uncertainty of life is exciting and amazing. It is more exciting to live an uncertain life that it is to live a boring certain life.
-- Debasish Mridha
Hard times are like thunder. They make a lot of noise but do little harm. Don’t fear hard times.
-- Debasish Mridha
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The certainty of life is beautiful, but the uncertainty of life is exciting and amazing. It is more exciting to live an uncertain life that it is to live a boring certain life.                          –
-- Debasish Mridha
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Life is beautiful, but we often forget and decorate it with ugliness. –
-- Debasish Mridha
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Never justify being rude; never forget to be kind. –
-- Debasish Mridha
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Don’t wait longer. It is always the right time for the right action. –
-- Debasish Mridha
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