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Infosys – Powered By Intellect, Driven By Values.
-- Vijayaraj
Hard work is painful when life is devoid of purpose. But when you live for something greater than yourself and the gratification of your own ego, then hard work becomes a labor of love. – Steve Pavlina
-- Vijayaraj
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It is not the creation of wealth that is wrong, but the love of money for its own sake. – Margaret Thatcher
-- Vijayaraj
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A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities. ~ J.R.R.Tolkien
-- Vijayaraj
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By the time you learn the rules of life, you’re too old to play the game.
-- Vijayaraj
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I’ve always thought being popular on Instagram is as about as useless as being rich in monopoly.
-- Vijayaraj
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