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I love you no matter what you do! I may not like it, we may argue and disagree but, I will always love you! Love, Mom
-- Anonymous
When a girl has a bad relationship with her father, or he’s not in her life for whatever reason, she will always try to find the love that she wish she had with her dad from a boy, and she will put so much trust and expectations into him like she would her father, she just wants someone to Love her like a dad would..
-- Anonymous
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I asked my dad if I looked fat in my bathing suit at the beach and he said keep drinking and you won’t care.
-- Anonymous
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The beauty of women is not in a facial mode but a true beauty in a women is reflected in her soul. – Audrey Hepburn
-- Anonymous
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Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.
-- Psalm 128:3
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You can be a mess and still be a good mom. We are allowed to be both.
-- Anonymous
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