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There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.
-- Unknown
The Universe is a vibrational place. If you want to manifest something in your life, align your energy with what you desire. Raise your vibration!
-- Unknown
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Don’t be hard on yourself. It’s okay to have a moment of uncertainty about life. It’s a transformative period to find your purpose. – 
-- Unknown
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You cannot always wait for the perfect time. Sometimes you must dare to jump. –
-- Unknown
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Life is like the ocean. It can be calm or still, and rough or rigid, but in the end, it is always beautiful. –
-- Unknown
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Never underestimate the pain of a person, because everyone is struggling. Some people are just better at hiding it than others. – 
-- Unknown
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