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When we are in love we seem to ourselves quite different from what we were before. Blaise Pascal
-- Anonymous
The nice thing about doing a weekly record is you’re rehearsing all week and working on getting the script better. Come Friday, when it’s time to actually film it, you feel like you’ve done most of the work!
-- Rory Kinnear
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The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.
-- Vijayaraj
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The laughter of girls is, and ever was, among the delightful sounds of earth.
-- Ayshu
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Life’s a gamble. Courage is to roll the dice and go for the gusto when all odds and bets are against you! –  
-- Bobby Compton
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Once they realize hating isn’t working they start telling lies (or) Once they realize hating isn’t working they start spreading rumors!
-- Ayshu
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