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As you know, I am taking baby steps to clear the clutter around me. This month is to clear my hard disk. I have been accumulating my two ‘1 Terabyte’ hard disks with mindless junks. I plan to declutter my photo albums this month. The idea is to organize each photo by year and events, and if possible take necessary backup for important pictures.
-- Anonymous
Hard work only pays off when it meets the right plan of action.
-- Edmond Mbiaka
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Your goals will tell you what you want to be. Losing your sight over your end result will obviously make you give in to temptations.
-- Anonymous
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The future belongs to only those who would attain excellence in the field of their own choice. – Abhijit Naskar
-- Ayshu
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Addiction is a serious disease; it will end with jail, mental institutions, or death. – Russell Brand
-- Russell Brand
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Human beings have a deep need to bond and form connections. If we can’t connect with each other, we will connect with whatever we can find … It is disconnection that drives addiction. – Christopher Kennedy Lawford
-- Anonymous
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