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Your decisions reveal your priorities.
-- Anonymous
If you don’t value excellence, you won’t achieve excellence. – Glenn C. Stewart
-- Ayshu
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When you see the stalker happy about the undeserved attention from you, it makes you angry. It makes you to think about revenging next. You do something to provoke the stalker again. He comes back with the more innovative idea to piss you off. That disturbs you even more. You worry about it. You lose your sleep over the issue.
-- Anonymous
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Injustice to anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
-- Ayshu
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Money is a small coin. Health is a big coin, Love is a lucky coin and Relationship is a Gold Coin. Keep it safe!
-- Ayshu
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Every worthy act is difficult. Ascent is always difficult. The descent is easy and often slippery.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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