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Cleanliness is the way to be healthy, wealthy and wise.
-- Vijayaraj
Dear Brother, It’s your birthday. So, get ready to check the notifications for next 24 hours.
-- Vijayaraj
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When ethical lapses occur, they rarely happen in situations when what is right versus what is wrong is clear. They more typically occur when what is morally right is less clear.
-- Vijayaraj
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When she is happy, she is the wind that keeps me safe and comfortable. However, when she is mad, she is the storm that can destroy everything that is in her path.
-- Vijayaraj
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19. Personality is born out of pain. It is the fire shut up in the flint. – J. B. Yeats
-- Vijayaraj
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180. Don’t mix between my personality and my attitude because my personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU.
-- Vijayaraj
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