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Once you set up a small habit each day to accomplish the goal, try to do it every day consistently. This is the key. The habit should be so small that you should never skip it on a day.
-- Anonymous
For instance, in my case, I want to reduce my weight. So, I need to control myself from eating junk foods. My goal was to reduce 2 kg for each month.
-- Anonymous
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Fear of failure is a far worse condition than failure itself, because it kills off possibilities.
-- Michael Eisner
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Work hard to get what you like, otherwise you’ll be forced to just like what you get.
-- Unknown
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Do you always make your decision based on what other think about you? Then take this is a life killing bad habit. People who value others opinion too much often live life for others. They will depend on others for their life happiness. It is not a healthy way to lead life.
-- Anonymous
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Whatever your life’s work is, do it well! A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead and the unborn, could do it no better!
-- Vijayaraj
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