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The alarm beeps at 5.00 A.M. You wake up. There begin the first crucial moments. What thoughts you feed your mind will change your life events here after. If you say, oh my god, I can’t wake up now, I am too tired. Then your mind will simply throw the baseless excuses to support your argument. You will simply agree that you are too tired as you were constantly on the run the day before. So you are entitled to sleep for long hours. Your hands switch off the alarm and you doze off.
-- Anonymous
Excellence takes sacrifice, mistake and enormous amount of effort.
-- Anonymous
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Don’t use credit/debit cards. Use cash to buy everything.
-- Anonymous
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However, all my exercise routine turned dismal because of my lack of control over the food that I ate. It dawned on me that if I need to see results I need to control myself from foraying food each time like the one who didn’t eye it for weeks.
-- Vijayaraj
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Please make yourself a priority. At the end of the day, you’re your longest commitment.
-- Anonymous
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I unsubscribed from all newsletter emails (from banks, websites, shopping sites.. etc) that are irrelevant to me.
-- Anonymous
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