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For instance, when the alarm beeps off and when you mumble how tiring you are to wake up, you could ask what if I am wrong. You will then understand that every day will be like this and this is not going to change. You will always be tiring. You will always be deserved to sleep more. You can see that your thoughts will take a different path. This is the first step towards thinking straight.
-- Anonymous
Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.
-- Napoleon Hill
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When I decided to focus on the area which destroyed my whole day, I got a clear picture of where I went wrong. All of my bad days have something common in them.
-- Anonymous
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Hard work pays off, dreams come true. Bad times don’t last, but BAD GUYS do.
-- Scott Hall
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Don’t use credit/debit cards. Use cash to buy everything.
-- Anonymous
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No one is really busy. It just depends on what number you are on their priority list.
-- Anonymous
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