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Excellence in education is when we do everything that we can to make sure they become everything that they can.
-- Anonymous
If you work hard enough and assert yourself, and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.
-- Malcolm Gladwell
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Learn from yesterday, live for today and have hope for tomorrow.
-- Ayshu
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Once you delay your thoughts, now time to think about the consequences. For example, if you chose to eat the cake, you can visualize a bulging body of yours staring back from the mirror. Instead, if you chose to avoid the cake, you can visualize a healthier and fitter you wearing your dream dress.
-- Anonymous
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For instance, imagine you vowed for the 100th time that you are going to get up early in the morning. You read some tips on how to get up early in the morning. You decide on what are all the tasks you want to perform as soon as you get up. You set up the alarm. You go to bed with the excitement that tomorrow is your winning day. You are going to rock it.
-- Anonymous
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Sometimes we fail to stick to a habit in spite of sincere efforts to retain it.
-- Anonymous
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