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Dear God, Please help me to be patient and trust in you when people disappoint me.
-- Anonymous
Non-violence requires a double faith, faith in God and also faith in man.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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God blesses us all with different views and perspectives and levels of influence and power.
-- LL Cool J
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The faith religious believers have in God is small compared to the faith people put in politicians, knowing how many times they have been disappointed in the past but still insisting that this time it will be different.
-- Jonathan Sacks
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Dear God, I don’t ask you to make my life easier, but I ask you to give me the strength to face all my trouble.
-- Anonymous
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For me, often, there’s such a cloud of melancholia about knowing I’m going to have to leave my daughter on her own. I don’t know what age that is going to be, thank God. It just doubles me up in grief.
-- David Bowie
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