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God, I really do fear you. Please help me to trust you more!Me
-- Anonymous
We know that men are saved by repentance and faith, and whoever does call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. But salvation is a supernatural work of God that will always produce fruit. And the evidence, not the cause, but the evidence of salvation is a changed life, a changing life.
-- Paul Washer
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Dear God, I’ve tried my best, but if today I lose my hope. Please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams.
-- Anonymous
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Dear God! how beauty varies in nature and art. In a woman the flesh must be like marble; in a statue the marble must be like flesh.
-- Victor Hugo
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People face difficulties, no matter who you are. I faced difficulties with a lot of things. I face opposition every day, but I didn’t kill myself and now, thank God, I’m here.
-- Nicki Minaj
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If you believe in prayer at all, expect God to hear you. If you do not expect, you will not have. God will not hear you unless you believe He will hear you; but if you believe He will, He will be as good as your faith.
-- Charles Spurgeon
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