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My heart and soul truly belong only to you. My world revolves only around you.
-- Vijayaraj
Motel 6 – We’ll leave a light on for you.
-- Vijayaraj
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Pride is one of the seven deadly sins; but it cannot be the pride of a mother in her children, for that is a compound of two cardinal virtues – faith and hope.
-- Vijayaraj
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Human love is seen to flourish only in places where it is returned; where love is not returned for love, cold indifference is the natural result.
-- Vijayaraj
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Best friends – It’s not a label, it’s a promise.
-- Vijayaraj
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Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things. It roots from one’s heart and involves memories that stay not for a while but a lifetime. ~ Anonymous
-- Vijayaraj
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