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In the ‘me’ time, work on your goals. Recollect and list down your dreams and what actions you need to take in order to achieve those dreams. Then start working on those actions one by one.
-- Anonymous
The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common. –
-- Emerson
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Friends pick us up when we fall down, and if they can’t pick us up, they lie down and listen for a while.
-- Vijayaraj
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Do you foresee any delay/difficulties?
-- Vijayaraj
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Those with call also find wealth, so jump and start swimming towards your true self.
-- Ryan Lilly
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A simple life is good for me. I don’t need a whole lot. For me, a T-shirt, a pair of shorts, barefoot on a beach and I’m happy.
-- Yanni
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