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In the course of my weight loss journey, I learned few techniques on how to control myself from getting back to the old eating habits. These techniques can be used in any area of life if you wish to improve your self-control.
-- Anonymous
For instance, in my case, I want to reduce my weight. So, I need to control myself from eating junk foods. My goal was to reduce 2 kg for each month.
-- Anonymous
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Without failure there is no achievement.
-- John C. Maxwell
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Hard work opens doors and shows the world that you are serious about being one of those rare – and special – human beings who use the fullness of their talents to do their very best.
-- Robin S. Sharma
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Determination, with an optimistic attitude is the key to success.
-- Dalai Lama
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The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that cannot read them.
-- Mark Twain
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