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There are many things evil people can take from you. However, they can never steal your ability to laugh and laugh aloud. – Shannon L. Alder
-- Anonymous
In the second column write down your first reaction to that emotion. For example, once you begin to think about lost job, you feel angry and frustrated. Soon you fear that when will you get your next job. You are showing this anger and frustration on the people at your home.
-- Vijayaraj
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Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller
-- Helen Keller
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Within you is the power to rise above any situation or struggle, and transform into the brightest, strongest version of you ever.
-- Anonymous
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I don’t think enjoying life is an exclusive prerogative of young people.
-- Mick Jagger
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Good and bad is only a matter of opinion, it rather is yours.
-- Haresh Sippy
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