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Don’t use credit/debit cards. Use cash to buy everything.
-- Anonymous
All business success rests on something labeled a sale, which at least momentarily weds company and customer.
-- Tom Peters
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On the first weekend, we all went for a movie and had a good time. On the second weekend, my daughter performed her first classical dance. So we went to watch and encourage her. Seeing her dancing with a pretty costume is one of the best moments in my life. I am very grateful to have blessed with a daughter like her. I was very proud of her that day.
-- Anonymous
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A difficult road often leads to beautiful destinations.
-- Ayshu
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Let’s go back to the same pizza example. If I am not able to rely on my self-control anymore, I will tell myself that, if I let go of the pizza now, I can get the mobile pouch [Tempting rewards] that I have been eyeing for a long time.
-- Anonymous
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And find himself starting late to office.
-- Anonymous
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