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Dear God,Please help me to be patient and trust in you when people disappoint me.
-- Anonymous
I like to windsurf and ski, and most of all I love to ride horses. The wilder and faster the better! If I’m presented with a fast horse or a fast boat, I still get that shiver of excitement and I cannot resist. Luckily I never seem to have any accidents, and thank God for that.
-- Andrea Bocelli
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People everywhere see the True, the Beautiful, and the Good and long to know their source. And, thank God, He has revealed Himself!
-- Eric Metaxas
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We ought to thank God for that. Yes, the man who tills the land is more worthy of respect than any.
-- Nikolai Gogol
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I used to have a little silent prayer: ‘Dear God, let my ability to get work be the same as my celebrity.’ That would be a hard burden: to be a household name and not be able to get work.
-- Ted Danson
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We have an incredible warrior class in this country – people in law enforcement, intelligence – and I thank God every night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tremendous amount of evil that exists in the world.
-- Brad Thor
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