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Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
-- Anonymous
Dear God, Please help me to be patient and trust in you when people disappoint me.
-- Anonymous
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I thank God that I’m a product of my parents. That they infected me with their intelligence and energy for life, with their thirst for knowledge and their love. I’m grateful that I know where I come from.
-- Shakira
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Thank God I have the seeing eye, that is to say, as I lie in bed I can walk step by step on the fells and rough land seeing every stone and flower and patch of bog and cotton pass where my old legs will never take me again.
-- Beatrix Potter
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God has taken care of me, and mother dear has taken care of me, too. All my life.
-- Barbara Lynn
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After the knowledge of, and obedience to, the will of God, the next aim must be to know something of His attributes of wisdom, power, and goodness as evidenced by His handiwork.
-- Anonymous
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