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Your energy is worth more than any material matter. Your energy is your currency in the world and in the Universe. The greatest gift you give to another is your thoughts, intentions and energetic love. Use your energy to bless your loved ones.
-- Unknown
If you have not found it yet, keep looking.
-- Unknown
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Because I’m the only one who knows how much you hurt me. But here I am now, healing. We may love the wrong person, cry for the wrong person, but one thing is sure, mistakes will help us find the right person someday.
-- Unknown
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Best friend: someone you can only stay mad at for so long because you have important things to talk about.
-- Unknown
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Nothing is more beautiful than how the ocean continues to come back and caress the sand, despite how many times it is pushed away. –
-- Unknown
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Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path, and you will find you have crossed the mountain.
-- Unknown
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