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Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths you take, But by the number of moments that take your breath away.
-- Vijayaraj
A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s, She changes it more often
-- Vijayaraj
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Happy birthday to my best friend with whom I have spent my best years. Here’s too many more years to come!
-- Vijayaraj
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God is up to something or the devil wouldn’t be fighting you this hard. You are going to win!
-- Vijayaraj
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I have had friends who have acted kindly towards me, and it has been my good fortune to have it in my power to give them substantial proofs of my gratitude. ~ Giacomo Casanova
-- Vijayaraj
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You can’t change what has already happened, so don’t waste your time thinking about it. Move on, let go, and get over it.
-- Vijayaraj
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