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I’ve fallen for your laugh, which is utterly contagious. I’ve fallen for your smile which makes me giddy for no reason at all. I’ve fallen for our late nights talks, when 1 am arrives far too quickly. I’ve fallen for our jokes which I’ll remember days later and burst into laughter. I’ve fallen for how you can make my day better even if I wanted to cry a minute before. I’ve fallen for every second I get to spend with you, even if those seconds will always leave me wanting more.
-- Anonymous
I walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours…
-- Anonymous
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I wish that the shoulder you rest your head upon is always mine. I wish the hand that supports you is mine. I wish the ears that listen to you when you talk is mine. I just want to be there for you always and forever. Happy Birthday to you, my angel!
-- Anonymous
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We want education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s feet.
-- Ayshu
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I will never walk a million miles to see you, because I will never let you out of my sight in the first place.
-- Vijayaraj
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We/I couldn’t be happier to call you both family. Best wishes for a long and happy future together.
-- Anonymous
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