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Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail.
-- Anonymous
Before you pursue a challenging goal, it is very crucial to get started. Take your time and think about this.
-- Anonymous
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Stop giving too much of importance to others. Everyone has a life to live. Don’t live for others and wonder why you feel empty inside.
-- Anonymous
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Self-control is essential to keep your eyes glued on the results and not get derailed by momentary weakness. Willpower alone cannot make you stay in control. You need proper techniques to make you stop indulging in little crimes because one day these little sacrifices will sum up your extraordinary success.
-- Anonymous
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In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
-- Bill Cosby
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Scott has covered all these areas with personal anecdotes. He has also given few useful tools which we can use to track this habit challenge.
-- Anonymous
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