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I adore her smileI cherish her hugsI admire her heartbut most all…I love that she is my daughter.
-- Anonymous
I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened…
-- Anonymous
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Girls want attention, Women want respect.
-- Anonymous
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Strong women aren’t simply born. We are forged through the challenges of life. With each challenge we grow mentally and emotionally. We move forward with our head held high and a strength that can not be denied. A woman who’s been through the storm and survived. We are warriors!
-- Anonymous
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My mother is not a CIA agent, but she’s an Italian mother, and she’d do anything for her son.
-- Adriano Giannini
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Abortion… interferes with God’s plan- a plan He willed before He created the universe. Abortion is in violation of God-given life.
-- Anonymous
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