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One day, you’re gonna remember me and how much I loved you, then you’re gonna hate yourself for letting me go.
-- Anonymous
A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you.
-- Ayshu
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I trust you, but not because you are my husband. The reason I trust you is because you are the epitome of everything that a man should be.
-- Anonymous
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It has never been a crime to love yourself first. Neither is it a crime to love yourself more.― Edmond Mbiaka
-- Vijayaraj
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The desire of gratitude for helping others, taints the entire act with selfishness.
-- T Jay Taylo
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It is essential to take time every day to reflect upon your thoughts. If you learn to understand your thoughts, you will understand what makes you behave in such a way under certain circumstances.
-- Vijayaraj
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