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You must get your living by loving, or at least half your life is a failure.
-- Anonymous
When you see the stalker happy about the undeserved attention from you, it makes you angry. It makes you to think about revenging next. You do something to provoke the stalker again. He comes back with the more innovative idea to piss you off. That disturbs you even more. You worry about it. You lose your sleep over the issue.
-- Anonymous
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In most of the cases, when you make a wrong thinking, you know you are wrong. But you still validate it by backing your arguments. By validating whether your thoughts are right or wrong, you give time for your mind. You will not fell on the first trap created by your thoughts.
-- Anonymous
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There are three things you must do in order to become wealthy. You must have the right mindset, discover your purpose in life, and find a business that expresses that purpose.
-- Andy Fuehl
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I’ve made it a priority to practice self-care so that I never lose my fight or drive to inspire change for others.
-- Anonymous
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On the third weekend, both of my kids fell sick, so we didn’t go out. That’s about this goal.
-- Anonymous
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