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You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
-- Anonymous
For a child, there are no such thing as unconditional love, it is all unconditional need.
-- Dr. House M.D.
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Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
-- Anonymous
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My son I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence…along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully…I wish you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help someone along the way…listen to your heart and take risks carefully… Remember how much you are loved…I am so proud of you.
-- Anonymous
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Darling husband, you are a blessing in disguise to me. But when you are not around, I feel like I have been denied of what is mine. This is because you belong with me and nowhere else. I miss you.
-- Anonymous
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Everyone can have their heart broken. Even if you know the relationship isn’t working, it’s still sad. Even in a bad relationship, they’re part of your life for a long time, and saying goodbye to that can be difficult.
-- James Marsden
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