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I wasn’t a rebel. It kind of clicked in my head, like, if I want to do this, I can go out and do it. Some kids, it clicks for them, and it doesn’t work out. But thank God for me it did work out. I put in all those hard hours of work, and it has gotten me to where I am.
-- Anonymous
Behind every untrusting girl, is a boy who lied, cheated and broke his promises to her.
-- Anonymous
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Whenever you do not understand what’s happening in your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and say God I know it is your plan. Just help me through it.
-- Anonymous
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We don’t thrive on military acts. We do them because we have to, and thank God we are efficient.
-- Golda Meir
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If you don't respect her, you obviously don't deserve her.
-- Anonymous
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I used to have a little silent prayer: ‘Dear God, let my ability to get work be the same as my celebrity.’ That would be a hard burden: to be a household name and not be able to get work.
-- Ted Danson
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