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I didn’t do much about finance on June 2016. I saved 20% of the money which I earlier used to spend for house hold expenses alone. Other than that I read few books about the basics of finance like budgeting, investing, tracking..etc. I read couple of basic tips on where to begin. Rest I need to improve. I didn’t even attain 50% of this goal.
-- Anonymous
As you know, I am taking baby steps to clear the clutter around me. This month is to clear my hard disk. I have been accumulating my two ‘1 Terabyte’ hard disks with mindless junks. I plan to declutter my photo albums this month. The idea is to organize each photo by year and events, and if possible take necessary backup for important pictures.
-- Anonymous
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Failure open doors to new opportunities.
-- Anonymous
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There is no substitute for hard work. Never give up. Never stop believing. Never stop fighting.
-- Hope Hicks
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Ever has it been that loves knows not its own death until the hour of separation.
-- Khalil Gibran
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Winners never quit and quitters never win.
-- Anonymous
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