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It will go down in history as a turning point for the music industry. This is landmark stuff. I can't overestimate it!
-- Steve Jobs
Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.
-- Steve Jobs
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Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected. –
-- Steve Jobs
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I’m convinced that about half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from the non successful entrepreneurs is pure perseverance. It is so hard, you pour so much of your life into this thing, there are such rough moments in time, that most people give up. I don’t blame them, it’s really tough.
-- Steve Jobs
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So Mac OS X is cross-platform by design, right from the very beginning. So Mac OS X is singing on Intel processors, and I'd just like to show you right now. As a matter of fact... this system I've been using here... Let go have a look... So.. we've been running on an Intel machine all morning.
-- Steve Jobs
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Don’t let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.
-- Steve Jobs
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