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I will walk by faith even when I cannot see.
-- Anonymous
When your maturity is derived from circumstantial factors other than faith, your level of maturity would continue to fluctuate rather than being stable. This is why I am enabled to maintain a balance and stable approach to the challenges that come my way every day. I am not moved by what people say or do concerning my relationship with God.
-- T. B. Joshua
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I see teenagers or people who are 21 and think, ‘I was an idiot at that age.’ I was running around New York like a crazy woman. Thank God I only had three and a half cents to my name. I was too immature to handle success then.
-- Melissa McCarthy
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I thank God for making me a man.
-- Little Richard
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God promises to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life.
-- Romans 8:28
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When God heals and restores, he brings you out better than you were before.
-- Anonymous
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