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All labor that uplift humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.
-- Ayshu
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I have bookmarked these two books for later reference.
-- Anonymous
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Stopping the car on the sight of red light
-- Anonymous
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I’ve begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.
-- Chaim Potok
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No man is a success in business unless he loves his work.
-- Anonymous
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I stopped all social media notification related emails.
-- Anonymous
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We have no alternative but to protest. For many years we have shown an amazing patience… But we come here tonight to be saved from that patience that makes us patient with anything less than freedom and justice.
-- Vijayaraj
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Courage is about doing what you are afraid to do. The one who feels no fear is a fool and the one who lets fear rule him is indeed a coward. We must have the courage to act instead of reacting.
-- Ayshu
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What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.
-- Ayshu
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Writing down the goals here, and making me accountable for it, is the single most reason why I am able to focus on my goals, when my work threw me up off-guard. Also, when I face tough time, it is okay to slip, but what matters most is how quickly I should regain the balance. These are the valuable lessons I learnt this month
-- Anonymous
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