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I am facing the most difficult thing of my life, my own greatest failure.
-- Anonymous
Success, recognition, and conformity are the by words of the modern world where everyone seems to crave the anesthetizing security of being identified with the majority.
-- Vijayaraj
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True courage, in the face of almost certain death, is the rarest quality on earth. –
-- Christopher Pike
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Simplicity in character, in manners, in style; in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
-- Ayshu
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Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.
-- Anonymous
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For instance, when the alarm beeps off and when you mumble how tiring you are to wake up, you could ask what if I am wrong. You will then understand that every day will be like this and this is not going to change. You will always be tiring. You will always be deserved to sleep more. You can see that your thoughts will take a different path.
-- Anonymous
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