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The next minute, with guilt smothered inside, you set down to eat that jumbo piece of cake. While you relish the offending cake, you also end up eating cheese dripping pizza and a can of coke next to the cake. Basically, you have eaten the cake. So you can as well eat the pizza and coke, and any other thing that caught your eye.
-- Anonymous
Courage faces fear and thereby masters it.
-- Vijayaraj
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One who fears failure limits his activities.
-- Henry Ford
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I want to write down everyday expenses on a note. In short, I want to track where the money is going.
-- Vijayaraj
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You can make a water-bed more bouncy by using spring water.
-- Ayshu
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Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic is alcohol, morphine or idealism.
-- C.G. Jung
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