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Imagine, some stalker is provoking you. He seeks happiness in plainly irritating you by his actions. Your first thought offers you an exciting way to react to that stalker. It says let’s get down to the business and show the real you. So you end up reacting to a useless person in the entire planet.
-- Anonymous
There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success.
-- Heather Bresch
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If you are PERSISTENT you will Get It. If you are CONSISTENT you will Keep it.
-- Anonymous
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I believe that opportunity looks a lot like hard work.
-- Ashton Kutcher
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You may not even know that you are doing certain things that are stopping you from achieving what you want. You need to take a closer look on your life to figure out those habits and replace them with good ones to make progress.
-- Anonymous
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Failure is a detour, not a dead-end street.
-- Zig Ziglar
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