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When we think of doing activities that can get us near our dreams, our mind would throw plenty of excuses in the attempt to prevent us from stepping out of our comfort zone. Our mind has a hate relationship with change, at any cost, it will resist it. Unfortunately, to move towards your dream you need to embrace change and begin somewhere.
-- Anonymous
After making improvements in the above five area, I am able to engage once again with my workout routines. It will take more time to get into a rhythm in order to do this without difficulty. I should not give up till then.
-- Anonymous
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A goal is a dream with a deadline.
-- Napoleon Hill
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Leadership is not a basket of tricks or strategies or skills that you pull out. Leadership begins with the quality of the person. –
-- Anonymous
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The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
-- Sven Eriksson
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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
-- Confucius
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