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Because doing an action at the rim of our choices is a lot different from doing something knowing fully well what the consequences are. Even though we make the mistake out of weakness, we deep down know that we are accountable for it.
-- Anonymous
Success can’t be forced.
-- Loretta Young
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In the course of my weight loss journey, I learned few techniques on how to control myself from getting back to the old eating habits. These techniques can be used in any area of life if you wish to improve your self-control.
-- Anonymous
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Mostly this technique will work for me. By this method, I get to eat the pizza finally, and also, I can reduce the impact by not letting in the whole XL size pizza into me.
-- Anonymous
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What is an addiction, really? It is a sign, a signal, a symptom of distress. It is a language that tells us about a plight that must be understood.
-- Alice Miller
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After I practiced a month of 5-minute writing goal, I eliminated my initial fear of writing. Then I set a goal to write 30 minutes each day. That’s how I started to write this blog. I am still doing it every day and I feel very happy to see the progress.
-- Anonymous
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